Community Ministries

  • Japanese Conversation Class

    Japanese Conversation Class

    1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7pm

    We offer a Japanese conversation class for adults and youth (age 16+) desiring to either learn or improve their Japanese conversational skills. Currently Japanese classes are offered via Zoom.

  •  English Conversation Class

    English Conversation Class – JOL (Joy of Learning)

    1st and 3rd Fridays at 10am

    We offer an English conversation class for Japanese women desiring to improve their English skills. English classes are meeting at SCVJCC.

  • Special Ministry

    Special Ministry

    Saturday (every other month)

    We offer social gatherings for individuals with disabilities for people ages 12 and up.

    *We are unable to accommodate special people with extreme physical or medical needs because most volunteers are not professional healthcare workers.